Episode 1
Let's Do This...Episode 1
Conversations are random and so is this podcast. We talk about anything and everything, will switch topics at the drop of a hat, and have zero filter. We talk about what we want in the moment. If you ever wanted to know what two friends ramble on about on the phone for hours or the oddball things discussed around the dinner table on a night out...look no further. The rabbit holes be long and the tangents get weird. You're welcome.
Alright. We're live. Oh. Hot dog. Episode 1 of, So What Happened was, So what had happened?
So so this thing happened. Okay. So this thing did actually happen today. Amy introduced me to the life of professional wrestling. Yes.
To the plot. The whole plot. I was like, why? A beautiful plot. Why are you watching this shit?
And then I watched it. And now you understand. Oh, now I get it. Now I know why she watches this. It's like sweaty thirst traps, just like Yeah.
With bad acting attached to it. Not everyone's that bad at acting, though, in it. Some of it's believable. Like, when Roman Reigns does his angry face, and you're just like, yes, please. Do it again.
Yeah. He has a sexy bed bed face. Mhmm. He does. I bet his wife really appreciates it.
I appreciate it every time I see that, ma'am. Someone should really be appreciating it. I mean, you don't let something like that go to waste. No. But I actually became fans of a couple of them.
I was like, oh, this is actually oh, hello. Hi. The funny part is is for the most part, you like the villains. Do I? The ones that, yeah, the ones that you like, like Finn Balor and, Logan Paul, they're they're definitely the villains.
LA Knight, not so much, but the other 2 are definite villains. Definite villains. Now Roman Reigns can be seen as 1. I was not paying attention to their personalities. This is my first intro, and it was on visual only.
So Yes. Yes. The store the story lines, you know, they're a lot sometimes, but the main the main focus is the chesticle region, at least for me. There was a couple that I was like, hello. Mhmm.
I didn't even mind Kaiser. Yeah. I didn't even mind some of the the older gentlemen, the silver foxes as it were. Like, I was like, oh, hello. You look good for your age, sir.
Yeah. Centimeters Punk, I need to look up and see actually how old he is because I might, like, now that I'm thinking about it, I might have aged him terribly. I But I might not have service. I don't know. Okay.
46. He's 46. For 40 I think I said Yeah. For 46, we're good. We're good.
Yeah. I think I'd said upper forties, but I actually think I aged him and said he was closer to 50. Well, technically. He's I mean, if you're going off of midway, 46 is beyond midway. Yeah.
But he's he looks pretty good for an older dude. Oh, Roman Reigns is 39. Yeah. So he's only a couple of years older than me. Peak physical condition for Mhmm.
Mhmm. Now my favorite, Jay Uso. Oh, he's also 39. Oh. Okay.
Okay. So I feel better about life now, but I feel like I met some new people tonight just because so, like, literally, what happened was is I'm on the phone with Amy, and I'm like, what is going on in the background? Like, what are you doing? And they're like, it's Royal Rumble night. And I was like, what?
Mind you, the Royal Rumble started at 5 PM CST. That was literally, like, 5 hour long wrestling event where it's okay. So if you don't know what the Royal Rumble is, let me just explain it forever. But it's just an education because, I grew up in the eighties when it was still WWF, and there was, like, Ravishing Rick Rude and and, like Mhmm. Like, that kind of era.
And I was like, Ravishing Rick Rude was gross. Like, it was a whole thing, and I would yeah. But but I think I ended at the end, or maybe it was even the beginning of The Rock era. And that's when I started watching. And that's when I haven't I haven't watched it since until freaking tonight when you're like and you're like, what am I watching?
What are you watching? And you're like, this. And then I'm literally watching through Amy's phone while they're watching dive. On FaceTime. And we how long were we on the phone?
Oh, well, yeah. A good couple hours. Yeah. This is what we do. This is this this is our life now.
Uh-huh. And we And it it's every Monday Friday. And we just sat there critiquing man bods. Yeah. Well, I was watching for the storyline also.
I don't know the freaking story. I know. It's because it was your first it was your first experience watching WWE and it not being WWF, and that threw me for a loop for years. Because when I started watching also, it was WWF. So, like, Mankind, Stone Cold, The Rock.
Like, I remember things like Undertaker and Yeah. I've seen him once. Called Steve Austin and Yeah. What was the well, I actually saw Rowdy Roddy Piper at the airport one time. Oh, that's cool.
Yeah. I think he's I think he's from around here, I think. I don't know. Oh. Those are old school.
Those are old school. So so I haven't watched any of the new stuff. Mhmm. It it was nice to know that it's still just as cheesy, and it's just as bad of acting. But I understand.
What do you call it? The plot? Why you watch that? The plot. You watch that Yeah.
I got that from the clock app, the plot. Because a lot of people were making videos, especially girls, when they're like, girls don't watch wrestling. Why are you watching wrestling? It was like, I give you the plot, and it would be Roman Reigns, LA Knight, like, all of these super attractive guys or, like, guys with, like, really attractive bodies, and you're just like, now do you understand why I watch this? I do now because, like, I was, like I don't know if you noticed.
I was invested. You were. You were definitely invested, and I'm just like, don't move the phone because otherwise, it's gonna get shaky. We need to figure out how you can set this down, and both of you enjoy this at the same time. You're like, I'm gonna have to start getting a tripod for Monday.
Right. Now I will say the main big difference from, like, wrestling way back in the day and wrestling now, like, obviously, back in the day, like, when The Rock was popular, you had Chyna. Yeah. She wrestled, but, I mean, that she she was a big bitch. Right?
Yeah. So where most of the girls were, you know, the arm candy. They really didn't wrestle. Now these girls are, like, climbing to the top of the steel cages, jumping off of, like, 1 girl, EO Sky, climbed into a trash can and jumped off this top of a steel cage and landed on somebody. Like, these girls are going just as hard as the guys do now.
Well, it's kinda like when we watch the stupid ass fight, the Mike Tyson fight. Mhmm. The girl fight was the best one. Yeah. Like Yeah.
I was glued to the girl fight. Mhmm. Like, that was actually really decent. We don't need to get into the whole Tyson fight. That was a disappointment.
Should have fun with you. Really an avenue I wanna keep discussing because we've already talked it ad nauseam as far as that goes. But Mhmm. No. But I think that that that they're playing into more of the stuff that people want.
It's different than the stuff I watched in the eighties nineties, right, and as that goes because you got, like you said, the Clock app with the thirst traps and the book talk guys and the, you know, that type of a thing. I was like, oh, it's just live action book talk. Yeah. And, honestly, like, as much as most females like to pretend that we don't like a good thirst trap, we do. We we thoroughly enjoy it.
I don't understand why there are so many girls that are like, I don't look at that, and I don't do that. And it's just like, bitch, yes. You do. Look at that man. That is he is sexy.
I don't care. It's okay to appreciate a hot dude. It's okay. Yeah. Just as much as I can appreciate a hot girl.
Like like, it's it's a matter. Like It goes both ways. Yeah. It really does. The the the human form can be delightful.
Right. Like, I'm just like, let's not act like we don't have eyeballs. Okay? Like, let's not act like that. Right.
Just come on. Like, I don't know about you, but I I've been out at places with, like, my significant other when I had one. And we would both see, like, a super attractive girl walk by, and we're both like, damn. Now my dam's like, I need to work out some more and work on some things so I can look like that because, wow, you're gorgeous. And he's looking like, damn, the things I would do to her.
You know? Like, different, but same. We're both still looking at somebody super attractive. Yeah. I don't really know as far as males.
Well, no one, my exes would tell me. He'd be like, yeah. That's a pretty guy. And I'm like, yeah. It is.
You know? So But that's also like, there are some relationships where that's totally cool because you guys both know you're, like, secure in that relationship. You can be like, no. I can appreciate that random person that just walked by and be like, oh my god. Did you see that person?
But there are there are some of those insecure relationships where you're like, yeah. I can't even mention even another person. I can't even bring up a flaw in this person without them getting all butthurt about it. You know? Oh, yeah.
Because it just it definitely does come down to how much confidence you have and how secure you are in yourself and your relationship because not for nothing, which you know, I'm part of a very toxic group on the book of faces, a very, very, very, very toxic one where I have never seen so many insecurities in one spot in my life. Like, for instance, today. Right? So what happened was what? Yeah.
So what happened what had happened was I was reading this post, and this girl was posting about how her and this guy have been talking for 8 months, and they get along so great, and it's going great, and they're both really into each other. But he has a player vibe to him, and she just doesn't know. But, apparently, she also asked, so what are we? And he changed the subject and never actually answered. And then there's me yelling at my phone going, that was your answer.
And why did you wait 8 months in to have this conversation of what are we? Because to me, I'm like, look. If you establish this as a friends with benefits situation, that's what it is until you have a conversation again to clarify. Yeah. Till you have a follow-up meeting where you're like, you still get with the sit no?
Yes? Good? No? Okay. Then then we're gonna keep going.
Yeah. Right. To where if it's like, okay. If that's not how you went into the situation, you went into it, like, we're gonna start seeing each other. I always refer to it as dating each other because I'm like, there are 2 people actively going on dates with each other.
So to me, that is dating. But I'm like, now if you did that, and then after 8 months, which to me just seems like an excessive amount of time to have this conversation, go, hey. So are we 1 on 1? Is this exclusive? No?
Great. I'll hit up so and so, but that's just me being petty when I'm like, I'll hit up him and let him know I'm free tomorrow night since this is not exclusive and we're still seeing other people. But all of these girls are like, that is a red flag. Why would you do that? 8 months.
And I'm like, first of all, she needs to take accountability for not stepping up and trying to have this conversation sooner. Especially if her feelings changed or if she was starting to catch feelings in a different way. Right. It goes both ways. You can't you can't expect it to be all on one person's shoulders to label whatever the relationship is or set the parameters or the rules for it.
Right. Because that's my that's my biggest thing is why would you leave it open ended with the, so what are we? What is this? No. Take initiative and be like, hey.
I really like you. I'm super into you. I would actually prefer or like if we were exclusive. Yeah. That's being a freaking adult and Yeah.
And saying what you want. Because guess what? The longer you wait it out, you're just keeping yourself in limbo, and you're just ex you know, you're wasting each other's time at that point. Like Mhmm. People need to start speaking up, I feel, in regards to, like, hey.
This is what's going on. Are we on the same page? Yes? No? Okay.
Then now I have some decisions to make or you have some decisions to make. Like like, just just call it what it is rather than Mhmm. You know? If you don't have the balls to stand up and be like, hey. I like you, then don't get on them if they're not willing to label it for you because you didn't stand up and say what you wanted.
Right. And then my thing is, was this over the phone? Was this via text message that you tried to do this and they just, you know, skipped right over it? Or were you actually, like, with them when you asked? Because at that point, if you're if you're in the same vicinity and you're like, hey.
So, you know, where do you think this is going? Because I I see us going more to the exclusive route as opposed to just, you know, this being like a open relationship at this time. And then they you know? So I had eggs for dinner and some, you know, toast, and it was great. And you're like, wait.
What? Why how did you just go from that to what I asked? No. We need to circle back because you're not gonna pretend like I just didn't say what I did to you. To where if you say it via text message, you can easily ignore what somebody says on a text message.
Oh, yeah. Oh, you asked me that? Oh, I didn't read that. And you're just like, you did. You just didn't wanna respond.
Honestly, though, there are sometimes when someone will put something in a text message, and I'm just going over it, and I totally missed, like, a very important detail, like a date or a time or something. I'm just like, what's the context? Okay. I'll get to that later, and then I totally just brush by it. So human error is a thing too.
Yeah. I just don't think if you're texting about where you're at in a relationship, one, I don't know why you'd be texting that. 2 That seems like a conversation. Yeah. How you would how you might include that, that would be like, so what do you want for dinner?
Are we together? And then afterwards, do you wanna go play putt putt? Like, that's one of those things I feel like you just don't, like, sneak in midway. And they're like shoving some veggies into your kids or something without them paying attention. Exactly.
They'll never notice. Just get them to agree to this. Like But what is this thing about player vibes? Okay. If they have player vibes, guess what?
They had player vibes when you hooked up with them. You somehow found that appealing enough that you started some shit with them. What is it about their player vibes that you no longer like? Because that seems like a you problem, not a them problem. Yeah.
And I don't like if that's a red flag for you, it was there when you met them. Yeah. Right? Again, that's not something you just can skip over. Now as a queen of, ignoring red flags and liking red flags, especially the walking red flags, the way you see them very obviously.
Red flags are fun. I don't know what happened. They really are. They're just dangerous. They do.
They're so dangerous though, but that's what makes them appealing is because you're like, I know this is a terrible idea, and you are trouble, but, like, yes, please. My idea's no trouble. I don't know about that. Like, oh, god. Life's been real boring lately.
You look like a lot of fun, sir. Sign me up. Thank you. Yeah. The player vibes thing throws me off.
Like, obviously, if you're having to ask what it is, it's not like you guys had a little cute you know, like, a meet cute, and he asked you out. You went to Kathy, and you started dating, like you said. Like, dating and seeing each other regularly. This sounds like you guys had a hookup. You keep hooking up, and now you're like, can I be your only hookup?
And you're just kinda trying to shove it all under the rug and act like it's no big deal, and now you're gonna pick them apart? No. You can't do that shit. You can't, like, all of a sudden flip the script without even having a conversation. Yeah.
No. That like, that's super unfair also because, I mean, most people do have an interview phase. Right? The first 2 or 3 months you meet somebody, that's that's interview form. You don't ever actually get past interview form until after where everything is, I'm super nice, I'm super cutesy, I'm super sweet, I'm super you know?
Oh, yeah. You have you have your filter, your mask on, like, to hook them in. I mean, it Yeah. Yeah. You don't have to watch the movie lottery.
In in the first place, which those that that's that's normally pretty noticeable right off the bat if they have player vibes. But after month 3, you would have realized it. You would have seen it. You would have known that because by then, interview form is now gone. It's been 8 months.
Well and, also, if you're asking it 8 months and you don't already kinda know Yeah. Then you you're asking a question you already know the answer to. You know they're they're screwing other people. You know they are. Yeah.
Or they know they're not being exclusive. So you're what are you trying to do? Get them in a gotcha moment or some shit? Like, what is what is that about? Could be.
Could be. I mean, all of it can be solved with a simple conversation, but instead, no. We go and ask the masses of other females in a very, very, very toxic group. And let me guess. They all say, oh, that's gaslighting.
That's narcissistic behavior. Oh, it's just this and this. It's like My favorite, though, is when somebody posts a picture of 1 of the gentlemen they are speaking to. Right? Well, there's 2 different ones.
The 1 first one is when the guy is, like, super attractive, and there's just a slew of of females going, well, if it doesn't work, let me know. And I'm like, I know for a fact you are now hunting that dating site that that picture was posted from to try to match with this man. I know it for a fact. And then the other one is where it's the wives that post the men. Is anybody talking to my husband?
And you're just like, no, baby. You are the only one checking for that man. Trust me. You are the only one because there's no way in fuck cell, excuse language, that that would ever cross anyone's mind. Yeah.
I know. But then some of these guys have, like, a 100 comments underneath, and I'm like cheese and crackers. What is happening? It's a whole thing. Whole thing.
All I know is I'm so glad I'm not dating. Like, it sounds like the biggest freaking headache. Like It is. Like, I mm-mm. Mm-mm.
I I am tear I am terrible at dating, and I'm even more terrible at dating in the winter. You know? It's really cold. I'm a bear, and I go into hibernation. It's really hard to get some when I'm in this mode.
Really hard to meet anyone because you have, like, the you know, you have certain guys that, you wanna come hang out? And you're like, no. Then you have other guys that are like, hey. I'd love to take you to dinner. And you're like, see, I would enjoy that also, but it says it's 20 degrees out, bro.
I don't know what you think I'm going to wear. It says it's 20 degrees out. I was not made for the cold. Well and I was. I don't know about you.
Okay. So I used to, like, snowboard and shit like that. Right? And I remember, like, I would dress because it's fucking cold outside, right, and functional. So I would dress for the cold and function.
And Yeah. I would watch I would go up to the freaking mountain, and you have the ski bunny looking people. Right? And I'm like, how do you look cute in the cold? Like, I know that you can.
I know that there's ways that you can. I'm not a stylist type person. Like like, it's just not my it's not my jam. But the people who are able to look freaking adorable in their winter wear. Those are, like Like, they're my idol.
Sirens or something. Yeah. I'm like, how do you manage that shit? I don't. I don't comprehend.
I'm like No. I need a hat and scarf and gloves. You will have to take off 90 layers of clothes if you wanna get me naked. Right now okay. Hear me out.
22 year old Amy, though. 22 year old Amy. There's a lot of alcohol involved in that. Alcohol makes you toasty. So you don't really care that you're half naked outside and it's 5 degrees in the middle of, like, January?
I'd care. I was like, it feels great out here as I'm, like, sweating because of the amount of alcohol I drink. But I did learn a hack. Do you really get that warm when you come? Get that.
I get that warm. I will start sweating. I get hot. From alcohol. Really hot from alcohol.
It happens every time. But, hack, if you wear a dress or a skirt, sweatpants. You wear the sweatpants and boots until you arrive at your destination, and then you put on your heels because, you know, back in the day, you wore heels out. You didn't wear sneakers. You wore heels.
I'm so glad that the trends changed, and now a cute pair of Chucks with a little skirt is acceptable. Like, yes. Thank you. Finally. Right?
I would've been wearing those. Do you know how many times I left barefoot from a bard? You know how gross that is? But I was so drunk. I didn't care because it was between scraping my knee because I'm clumsy in general.
Just add alcohol to it, and it's even worse. And, like, I have scars on my knees, not from being a kid and falling, no from being a drunk 21 year old and falling. My scars have scars. It was bad. It was bad.
So now I very much appreciate the fact that I can throw on a pair of dunks and a cute dress and keep it going. Okay. So you would pregame with some sweats and and then you'd take them off, but still and then you'd hurry up and drink so that you'd get warm. Yeah. And then you have to think, like, the walk from the parking lot to the bar usually wasn't that far.
And, plus, every time I went out, we were VIP, so we didn't ever have to wait in a line. So we would literally get out of the car. Wait. What? It's all about people you know and being cute.
That's really all it is. Just who you know, and if you're cute, you can get in real fast, real easy, and drink for free the entire night. I enjoyed my twenties a lot. You go. Yeah.
I I knew I was not a social butterfly at that age, so this fascinates me. I'm like, tell me about the real world because I was in love mode. No. I it was so bad. I could not go out without somebody knowing who I was.
I knew everybody. Like in a good way. The bartender in a Yeah. It was always in a good way. Everybody always liked me.
There was a couple people that didn't. It was normally females that didn't. And eventually, we'd have a conversation, and it was always you're really imitating, and you scared me, and you look like you could beat my ass. And I had started laughing because I'm like, I'm the nicest marshmallow person you know to where now I'm like, yeah, bitch. That's right.
I will beat you. That's right. The only time I ever went out, I was always the purse holder. Seriously? Yeah.
Oh, no. I was normally the in the corner. Nobody ever talked to me. I was the purse holder, like, unless they had like, it was a group, and then it was the one weird guy that nobody else would wanna talk to that you know? And so then I ended up having awkward conversations in the booth.
It was not fun, which is probably why I didn't go out very often. Yeah. That was only me if I was the DD because I wouldn't drink, and then all of my friends would be like, you're not fun, so you're no longer the DD. Then, like, works for me. Hell, yeah.
Thank you. Amy's like, party's here tonight. Here we go. Yeah. Like, if you watch Jersey Shore with Snooki, and she's like, party's here and how off the chain she would get, yeah, that was me.
You know, I'd never have watched any reality TV show. I've never seen a snooker episode. For it. Yeah. I know.
This is why we're friends because we're opposites. Exactly. I used to get called snooker at bars too. Now that used to drive me insane. That used to drive me nuts.
Now I embrace it. That's how I ended up on a TV show was because I wrote it and was like, I used to get called Snooki. See, here's how my hair could poof just like hers. I'm short. All of these things.
And they're like, sold. Bring her to good morning America. So it helps in the long run getting called snooki at bars. Like, I'd walk in, and you just hear snooki's here. And I'm like, where?
Shit. They're all looking at me. Son of a bitch. But this is what happens when you have black hair and a tan and you're short, and you're around a bunch of drunk people. Drunk goggles.
Everybody looks like somebody else. Yeah. And I'm like, well, I mean, if you're gonna call me, then at least buy me drinks. But, no, all the places I went out is pretty routine, and the bartenders knew my drink order. So I also never had to wait for drinks or pay for them.
I'd walk in, and then you'd hear vodka lemonade, and I'd be like, for it. And Oh, like like, almost like a dirty Palmer type of a thing, or you didn't do the sweet tea with it? You just did vodka lemonade? Dirty lemonade. Yeah.
Mhmm. It was vodka lemonade, and I was always surprised if it was regular lemonade or pink lemonade. I did not care. Not one bit. Well, I did that too.
Like, when I was a bartender, like, I, like, I would see someone off a ways off. And by the time they got up, it was I just handed it to them. So you do have your do you you do get your people, and Mhmm. You'd from from my side of the bar, I did that because it was easy, convenient, and they tipped well. Yep.
That's exactly what it was. At end of the night, they knew they were gonna get at least 50 to 60 bucks, 70 bucks, however much. Like, by the end of the night between the group, they probably made, like, 2 to $300 off of all of us. Yeah. Like, here you go.
So that was mainly why they did it. Now I, like, never go out. And if I go out, there's me. This drink is 975. What the hell?
And I'm like, oh, yeah. You ordered something fancy with, like, 4 different liquors in it and some stuff you can't pronounce. It's like when we did music bingo on Halloween this last year. Yes. Never drinking tequila again.
You say that every time, and you go right back to it. Oh, I know. I know. I had so much tequila that Fun night, though. He should've won.
We should've won. But I agree with you. You are more fun when you, like, when you are off the like, just you're out. Like, you are just gone. You have no filter, and you just embrace it.
So I can see why your friends are like, yes. She cannot be the d n the the DD. Yeah. No. Yeah.
We need her to have fun because she raises the energy. There's a fine line though because once the alter ego shows up, then that's when it's like we need to leave now. Somebody shove a subway sandwich down her throat and put her to bed. Because She Oh. Oh, that alter ego is Abe.
She needs a, I need a bitch, Jenna. A BST stat. Yeah. Like, it doesn't just give her food matter of fact, stop at a Denny's or a Waffle House because she'll think it's the greatest thing ever right now. You keep bringing up waffle we don't have a Waffle House this year.
I've never been to one. Oh, it's like the dirtiest thing ever. Everybody talks about them. I like is delicious. I'm like, what's a freaking Waffle House?
It's it's delicious. Like, imagine you just walk in, and it's just a series of tables built around the kitchen because that's what it is. Okay. It's just a bunch of tables around the kitchen and then straight diner style food. Like so you're watching them make your food.
And you know, like I've had Waffle House sober. Right? Most people will be like, that's disgusting. I don't care. I've done it.
And it was still delicious. But there's something about when you have it drunk, it's 10 times better than anything. It's like Denny's drunk. It's amazing. But for the most part, you don't go to Denny's usually for breakfast.
Like, you just don't. But drunk Yeah. 4 AM. It's the greatest food you've ever had in your life. Well, you know me.
Like, I didn't start drinking until, like, I was, like, 35 ish something around there. Right? Like, like, I I'm a late blover as you know. Anyways, and one of the first times we'd we'd I think it was, like, a New Year's party, or it may have even been, like, a big football game party. I can't even remember now.
Whatever. It was just, like, the neighborhood block party type of a thing. Mhmm. And we were all driving like, we're driving back, and they're like, okay. It's time for the Taco Bell run.
And I was like, what? Yep. Taco Bell. Yep. And I hate Taco Bell.
I'm just telling you. I I don't you know, I might get some shade for that, but I've never liked Taco Bell ever in my entire life. We stopped there. Let me just tell you, drunk Katie Lou, Taco Bell was delightful at 3 AM. Yeah.
It was great. Yeah. I was like, what is this magic? Another one. What is this freaking magic?
What is happening right now? I hate this place. Mhmm. Because you wouldn't eat it regularly. Like No.
Sober you or, like, that's disgusting. Absolutely not. But drunk you is, like, this is the best food I've ever had in my entire life. Also, the first time that I that I got, like, drunk Mhmm. The next day, I was with some people, and they were like, okay.
We gotta order greasy breakfast. And I was like, what? Yeah. And they ordered they brought in all this, like, greasy breakfast food from this, like, weird bar tavern place down the road. And it came in, and I was like, I ate it, and I felt better.
I was like, what is happening? How do drunk people know this stuff? Because, again, I'm learning all this stuff way too late, embarrassingly too late in life. But I'm like, okay. So greasy breakfast in the morning helps you feel better, and Taco Bell at 3 AM drunk is delicious.
It was weird. Yep. But you successfully avoided the getting drunk in your twenties to when you get drunk at 30 and feel like you're on your deathbed. There's there is a thing that hits you. Like, drunk 21 to, like, 29, you're like, I'm living my best life.
This hangover is nothing. I can, you know, conquer the world the next day. Get drunk on your 30th birthday and wake up the next day, you feel like you got hit by a bus. Can I tell you something? What?
I've never been hungover. I hate you. They You saw me hungover the day after Halloween. I was like, I'm ordering 5 guys now. Do you want something?
Because if not, it's coming. I don't care. Because literally laying in bed. You, like, woke me up, and I'm like, okay. I'm just getting up.
I'm like, what? Burgers right now? Okay. I waited as long as I could. Like because before, it was always like, let me go get a quarter pounder and a Coke from McDonald's, but I stopped eating fast food, which 5 guys technically, yeah, still is fast food, but my brain says it's real meat.
So I'm gonna eat it, and it's greasy. So It was a good burger. Like, I was fine with that. They make the fries fresh like you see it. They post the potatoes.
To me, it's it's real food. It's not McDonald's. So I will eat it. But, yeah, hungover, that's the best food ever. Yeah.
And it's it's supposedly something to do with my celiac disease. I don't it processes so slow, which is why I can like, if I only drink 1 1 or 2 drinks, I just stay tipsy. I don't really get like, it's hard for me like, if I go drunk, then then that's because I overdrank. You know? Well, that's pretty basic, but you know what I mean?
But but because it goes through my system so slow, I'll say, like, if I drank too much, I'll just still be a little tipsy the next day. So I've never ever actually I've never been hungover. I don't know why. That's wonderful. I've drank so much to where I'm still drunk the next day when I wake up.
And I think I have too where I felt a little bit like it's still there. But Mhmm. Just like when you know, when you can hit that plateau of if I just stay tipsy, then I can have a good time, and then I'm you know? So it's like I just stay tipsy even if I overdrink even into the next day. Yeah.
You're one of the chosen ones because I don't know that life. I if I I can stay tipsy now that I've learned my limit. Tipsy is fun. Tipsy is Tipsy Tipsy is a good place. Mhmm.
It's the happy medium. Yeah. So drunk that you black out and you don't remember. That's not fun. That's not a fun thing.
And I used to have to tell people, don't tell me what drunk Amy did. Sober Amy was not there. She was not part of it. So just don't tell me unless it's something that I need to know. Otherwise, I don't wanna know.
And for the most part, nobody ever told me. I would walk into the same bar, like, a week or two later and have way more people saying hi to me, and I'm like, I don't know any of you. And they were like, oh, yeah. You were real social last time. You made so many friends.
And I'm like, oh, shit. Alright. See, but I kinda like like, maybe, like, you can see the benefits of me never doing that, but I also am like, maybe did I did I miss a big part of growing up that everybody else enjoys? I think it depends on how you look at it. If you look at it from the viewpoint or the lens of I missed out, then sure.
But if you look at it from, like, well, look at the bright side. I didn't have to learn any really hard lessons of let's not do this again. You know? Then it really just kinda depends on what lens you view it as. Because certain times, I wish I wasn't, like, a raging alcoholic in my twenties.
I'd I was a server and, you know, server life, you you just get trash for the most part damn near daily. So, I mean, it just kinda kinda depends. And and looking back at it, I was depressed a lot then too, so it was just you know, it was a vice. It was really what it came down to, so I don't think you missed anything, to be honest. I can say that now is, you know, 37 year old.
If you ask me then, I was totally fine. Nothing was wrong. Life was great. Now now I'm like, but was it? I was drowning my sorrows.
Yeah. Quite daily, making a lot of questionable life choices. I had a lot of fun, though. So I think, again, yeah, I think it just depends on, like, what lens you look at it through. So, I mean, I've never been married.
I don't have kids, so I don't I don't know what that life looks like where a lot of my friends got married in their twenties and started having babies. And I'm like, who wants to go to the bar? You know? It's a choice for sure. Totally different wavelengths.
Yeah. Even, like, if you have really close friends and stuff like that, your whole life kinda becomes your relationship and then, like you said, then your family, and then you start becoming friends with people who are also on the same page as you are who all set. And then you're doing play dates with kids, you know, and it kind of is a totally different vibe. Mhmm. Yeah.
I've noticed, And that they get divorced, and then they're like, okay. Right. Right. Most of the time, most of the people that I knew that were married super young that are now divorced, and had kids super young, they've now hit their party phase because their kids are grown. You know?
Like, their kids are older. Mhmm. So now they're in a party phase where me, I'm like, I I could go to a jazz bar and just have, like, a drink and sip and have a great time and then go home and wake up the next day feeling totally fine where they're like, let's go party. And I'm like, I'm gonna go to bed now. I'm already in my jam jams.
I don't know what you're doing. I have a date with Netflix tonight. Right. And a bottle of wine. Exactly.
We can make it out by 10. And I'm like, by 10? Absolutely not. I'm normally, like, 3 episodes deep into, like, Stranger Things rewatching that or something. Like, absolutely not.
If we're not out of this house by 8, I'm not going. Absolutely not. If we're not out of this house by 8, I'm not going. What is wrong with you now? Here's the thing, though.
Once I'm out, I will stay out, and I can stay out until the bar closes. Yeah. You just have to get me out first. Yeah. Well, well, especially if there's dancing involved.
Oh god. Yeah. That's my selling point right there. Was always my big thing too. Like like, I had a hard time when I first started because when I drink, I will also start getting sleepy unless there's something to keep me occupied, unless there's high energy, unless there's something like dancing or, you know, fun games or a party or something like that.
Otherwise, I'm like, oh, good. Now I can actually sleep for 7 hours straight without waking up. Yep. Yep. Because that's just it.
That's why I don't like drinking at home because a lot of people are like, oh, yeah. You know, I'll come hang out with you. We could just drink at your house. And I'm like, I'm gonna go to sleep. And they're like, but, no, I'll be there.
And I'm like, no. I don't think you understand. I'm going to go to sleep because I'm at a place where I'm comfortable. The only person I can watch is you, and I don't know how entertaining you're gonna be to me. And we can play music.
It doesn't matter. I will still go to sleep. But if I'm out, I'm out. Like, let's have fun. Like, let's you know, you wanna bar hop?
Like, I yeah. I'll stay out till 4 AM if I'm out. But, otherwise, yeah, I I go night night. Alcohol is a great night night remedy if you can't sleep. It is great.
Time for my sleepy juice. I'm gonna start calling it that. That is brilliant. My instead of my adult juice box, it's gonna be, oh, sleepy juice time. Yay, sleepy juice.
I love me some sleepy juice. Mhmm. Like, especially so, like, have you ever gone tailgating? No. Oh, see.
Now that's that's the one thing I'd probably say you missed out on. Like, that that was something, like, okay. So we are new. Grew up in, like, a football town and stuff like that, but but tailgating was not a thing. Because I think isn't tailgating more like college and and and Pro.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, tailgating in high school was like you just went to Burger King or McDonald's before, and you're like, I'm gonna get me some food before I go to this game.
Like, that was tailgating back in the day. But, no, like, tailgating like, there's something about getting to a stadium. Like, I'm just gonna say, getting to Arrowhead Stadium at, like, 7 AM knowing full well you're gonna be hammered by about 7:45 because you're just in a parking lot shotgunning beers. Like, you stop at QuikTrip. Right?
Or at least this is what I used to do. Stop at QuikTrip. Buy, like, a a pint of vodka and, like, a Gatorade, but it specifically had to be the blue Gatorade with the little, like, sippy top. And then you drink part of the Gatorade because you're getting your electrolytes in. Right?
So you're get you're getting what you need. You're being healthy. Right. But then you pour vodka in it, and you make sure you chug it before game time because, like, games at noon, you're pretty much drunk before 8 AM, and then you're just riding that wave. I fell asleep in the stadium a few times.
It's not one of my prouder moments. I'm not gonna lie, but I had a great time tailgating. The last game I went to, I didn't drink at all, and I had a lot of fun watching the Chiefs. It's way more fun sober as opposed to sleeping in a stands, and we have the loudest stadium, period. So how myself or any other drunk person passes out in that stadium is beyond me, but it it has happened.
But, also, I'd like to point out, when I would go and get hammered, Patrick Mahomes was not the quarterback. Oh, so is it? This was this was back when, like, Alex Smith was the quarterback, and I'm trying to think. I can't remember all of the quarterbacks anymore, unfortunately. That you may as well be speaking a different language for both of them.
I know. I know. I'm sorry, but I had to throw on the Chiefs in there because you know the big games in a week from today. So Her Amy's gonna be radio silent for 24 hours. No.
You'll hear from me during the you'll hear from me in the morning, before the game. The game, I don't think, starts until, like, 5, 5:30. So you'll hear from me during the day up until then. The outcome of the game depends on if you'll hear from me after or not because again, on the Clock app. So see what had happened was I follow his creator named Andrew.
He is located out here in Kansas City, I believe. He made a really, really strong confession about how he doesn't care who won the election as long as the Chiefs win the Super Bowl. And now I'm kind of like, the Chiefs better win the Super Bowl. Fisser. What?
But he's funny. He sounds like Ryan Reynolds. So he's really entertaining to listen to if you like Ryan Reynolds, which I think Ryan Reynolds is hot. So I think because Andrew Barnes is hot. Eyeballs.
I mean, I'm like, going all the way freaking back. Like like, Ryan Reynolds has been hot for a long time. Like, go back to, like, early early shit. Right? Mhmm.
My fave I think the first movie I saw of his was waiting. There was some random ass movie that he was in where he was a musician. Oh. What was that called? I can't even remember what it was called.
But that was the first time I ever saw him. He's, like, teenager age. I feel like we're gonna have to Google this because I have no idea what that is. Okay. Hold, please.
I'm gonna I'm gonna Google while you talk about Ryan Reynolds. Also, he's he's adorable in The Proposal. Oh, yeah. I love that movie. But the best movie, Van Wilder, when he's wearing the double T shirts, the long sleeve with the T shirt over, that became a whole vibe for me and became my entire life.
And then when he, like, just strips down and he's just shirtless, I was like, oh, that's what a v is. Hi. Nice to meet you. That that's where it all kind of you know? It it it stems from.
See, now if we're going for where the v stemmed from with me, I don't know if you know who the musician D'Angelo is. But Yeah. The music video where he's just, you know, like, booty butt naked. Just call it what it is. And the first time I saw the v, I was like, hi.
And from that point on, it's been a thing. And the 2 boyfriends that I've had in life, 2 official long term boyfriends that I've had in life, both had that. And I loved every second of looking at that bee when they were shirtless. I can still appreciate it even though their relationships didn't work out. I can still appreciate it.
Okay. Hold, please. So what happened was I just went to IMDB. Do you have that pay now? I'm sorry.
You what? You have to pay $8 a month now to go to I am freaking DB? That's ridiculous. Why do you have to pay for that? It's always been free.
You have to be a member now to look up freaking IMDB. That's stupid. Sorry. I'm I didn't mean to derail the whole conversation, but I'm like, what? No.
I'm just like, I just googled Ryan Reynolds and hit movies. Go to d go to IMDB, though. It won't let you do it. Hold, please. Right?
The movie is called coming soon. I just googled just other things and didn't go to IMDB because why would I pay $8 to Google? Oh, I don't know, but it came up on mine. I think yours just doesn't like you. Although yours might want you to pay because you have a page.
Do you think that's why? Because I'm I'm because I have a IMDB? Yeah. Because I don't have one. And Do I have to oh, because I have credits on Mhmm.
Films? Oh, shit. Yeah. Yeah. Because mine pulled up, and I'm scrolling through his entire entire Yeah.
So the movie's coming soon is the one that he was in. Okay. And then the next one list, like, 1 or 2 episodes he was in on stuff. Yeah. And then I watched Van Wilder, and I fell in love.
Just Friends, hilarious. Mhmm. Blade Wait. He was in Harold and Kumar go to White Castle? I love that, man.
With? Why don't I remember right? That's what I'm try oh, he was a male nurse as it says. And he was in Blade Trinity? I'm so confused.
Wait. He's in adventure land? Wait. No. Yeah.
What? Yeah. The first, yeah, the first Ryan Reynolds movie. Oh, wait. He was in Amityville horror?
I saw that. Do I remember? The fact that he's in so many things, we're like, hold. Wait. We're gonna have to have a Ryan Reynolds watching party now, I feel like.
Sounds like fun. We should totally do that, and then we can, like, critique the movies. Exactly. I just Deadpool, though, I think, is honestly my favorite of his just because I think Deadpool's hilarious. Yeah.
Deadpool's great. I don't know. I think it's just nostalgia that Van Wilder is why because that was Mhmm. That was quintessential. Yeah.
He's like because to this day, I still use that line. Write that down. When I say something, I'm pontificating on some sort of thought or something. I'm like, write that down. Like, I've got some sage advice or something that that everybody should listen to.
Mhmm. At the time, I'm just like, oh, I just hear, like, the snarky Ryan Reynolds where he's like, oh, hold that thought, boo bear. What? Like, there's a The re sarcasm. The reason I like him is he's one of those people.
There's a lot of actors who do or there's a lot of actors and actresses who do this because, like, even, Melissa McCarthy will do this sometimes too, where great too. Oh, she's fantastic. Where you have to pay so close attention because they say things that kinda trail off or under their breath that are freaking gold humor. You know? And and unless you're paying attention, you don't hear it.
Ryan Reynolds is, like, king of that Yeah. Of where you're like, wait. What did he just say? Mhmm. And the GIFs alone that you can use of Ryan Reynolds, especially where it's like the one where he's being skeeved out is one of my favorites, where he makes just the the face.
Mhmm. Love love that. Like, he he he's just really attractive and hysterical. Although I have heard things allegedly that he's not funny like that in real life, but I'm like I mean, let's be honest. So he's reading the script.
Yeah. I feel like you would have to be able to be, like you would have to be able to have some good, like, comedy in order to deliver, you know, like, the funny sarcasm of have comedic timing. Yeah. And play the part and be an actor and stuff like that, but that's his job. So I could get it I get the idea that when he's off, maybe he wants to freaking turn it off because it's a Yeah.
I mean, like, that can be exhausting to always be on and to always be witty and to always be I mean, I'm not trying to, you know Yeah. Be all up with this or something like that. But but, also, some of that stuff is just like, this is what he gets paid for. This is his job. I understand that it's very public and and celebrity and all that other stuff, but, also, it's his job.
He can't be 20 247. I mean, I would like for him to be, but I don't know him, so it doesn't matter. And if I want that life, I can honestly just turn on one of his movies. So it doesn't really matter. Like, I can just watch, like, proposal.
That I think that's my favorite romcom of his. Yeah. The proposal. Yeah. Has, you know, the national treasure, Betty White.
RIP. Everybody loves Grammy. Oh, yeah. You how do you how can you not? Like, in one part, she's in the middle of freaking woods chanting.
Like and then you have Sandra Bullock come up and start singing to the window to the walls with freaking Betty White, man. Like There's people who hate on her. On Betty or Sandra? Sandra. Why?
I don't know. Like, I don't brilliant. I don't get it either. I'm not super harsh against people, though. Like like, I know that people get really I don't know.
I'm the judgey one out of the 2. Yeah. I, like, I don't I'm not super judgey. I'm like, I can appreciate your stuff. I don't care what you are.
Like, you do your you do a good job at what you do. You know? And I like, like, I've liked her since freaking Speed, but also that has Keanu Reeves, which is delightful, which is like I watched that movie for an entire summer straight. That Pretty sure I did too. That along with like, this is my random summer when I was, like, a teenager.
I watched Speed every day, and then I watched, this is gonna sound random, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids for some reason. The Great movie. The brother, the older brother Yeah. Russ. Yeah.
Was that his name Russ? I couldn't tell you, but I know exactly who you're talking about. Infatuated with Russ. I don't know. Mhmm.
Mhmm. That was a good one. That was a good one. It's so freaking cheesy with the ant, but then the kiss and the Lego, I was like, oh, finally. Yeah.
I'm trying to, like my memory is pretty pretty bad for the most part. I I primarily watch, like, Disney movies. I mean, that is a Disney movie, but I'm more like the animated ones. The honey, I shrunk the kids. That was a good one.
I remember going to Disney, like MGM Studios where they had the whole entire section themed, like, you got shrunk in Honey, I Shrunk Kids. Yeah. So there was, like, the giant Legos that you could climb on and sit in, and there was a giant ant that you could climb on. Now I stayed away from the ant. I didn't care that it was fake or not.
It was still a bug, and that was a no for me. But, like, water droplets would come off of, like, the leaves and stuff because it really looked like you were shrunk in this, like, giant playground area. It was really cool. Really cool. Because I think that's also when they had, like, the, Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
That was a good movie too. That was my favorite as a kid, Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Yeah. That was good. Mhmm.
Watching it now, I'm like, as a child? Yeah. It's one of those things where there's some kids' movies that you're like, really? Should it have been? Really?
Yeah. Really? With Jessica Rabbit and the Yeah. Patty cake? Patty cake?
Patty cake? Yeah. Holy shit. Yeah. As an adult, I'm like, Susan, you let me watch this.
What the fuck was wrong with you? Holy shit balls, lady. Right. What what movie do you wanna watch? Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Knowing full well It's a cartoon. Right. Christopher Lloyd. Because isn't that in that movie? Lloyd was freaky.
He scared the living bejesus out of me as a child because he talked just like this. I can't even get my voice to go at high, but my eyeballs would pop out. And I'm like, what is happening? Or baby was it baby Herman? Yeah.
Baby Herman. And he got done, and then he was, like, all up in, like, the ladies with the big titties. And he was Yes. It was a different time period. Because, like, if you think about it now, there's probably, like, anyone listening to this that's, like, super uppities, clutching their pearls at this very moment.
Those people are listening to that. Like, no. I think they'll stumble on it by accident, and then they'll question life and why there sucks so bad things. Lot of movies like that, though. Like, eighties movies were bizarre.
Mhmm. Gremlins. I love Gremlins. Goonies. Goonies.
Goonies was a good one. They're remaking that. I still don't know how I feel about that. I also don't know how I feel about them remaking freaking Labyrinth. Why?
Yeah. Now Goonies is a part 2 where it's all the adult the all of the Goony kids are now adults. Oh. And their kids no. From what I understand, they're doing it as a part 2 now because so many people opposed, like, the remake.
So they're basically taking the kids and making them the parents now, and their kids are gonna have, I'm guessing, are the new Goonies and are gonna have but, the guy who played Bran Yeah. I don't remember the actor's name. The same guy who plays Thanos. I know. I'm kinda really hoping he's in it.
Is his name Josh Brolin or something like that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because even because he's in Deadpool too.
First of all, I didn't realize it was the same guy until somebody else pointed it out to me, but I'm like, sir, you're actually real attractive. In case we weren't aware, I didn't find you attractive in Cooney's, but, man, now yes, please. Here, let me wipe this spittle off my lip real quick. Okay? Alright.
Josh Brolin. Hello? Yeah. Well, and All the part of me is saying, like, my statement gonna be in it too? I have no idea, but I would assume so because I wanna say they said they were coming back like the originals, but don't quote me on any of this.
This was on, you know, like, a fan thing. So how true it is, I don't know. Yeah. I don't I don't know. But I don't like, I understand Tom Hiddleston playing the goblin king, but I'm also like, don't.
Just don't. Why? You had David freaking Bowie. Like, why? Why?
Why? Why? There's certain things that needs to just be untouched. Right? I agree.
One of them. That's one of them. Like, I if you wanna make it as, like, a part 2 in a way or something, I don't know how you would do that. But if you wanted to, I could see that more as opposed to just a flat out remake. The goblin king dragging in another person to try and trap them in.
Like, I like like but but if they're just doing a flat out remake it's the same reason why I hate those Disney live action ones. It's like you guys aren't even changing it or even doing anything different. It's just the exact same thing over and over again. Just stop. You know?
Yeah. I can get behind the, live action beauty and the beast zone. I'm not a beauty and the beast animated fan if I'm being honest, but I do like, Emma Watson. I haven't seen that one. Oh, I like it.
It's, more Broadway esque from my understanding because the bee sings a song, and that threw me the first time I watched it. I'm like, sir, why are you singing? What is this? And then Aladdin. But I, you know, half of my personality is princess Jasmine and Aladdin.
So I I I like it because Aladdin actually followed it fairly similar. They gave Jasmine a song, and I noticed a lot of mothers appreciated that because, you know, for, like, woman empowerment type of a thing because she was basically saying I'm not gonna stay quiet. I'm gonna, you know, say what I need to say, and I'm stand up for myself type of thing. And I'm with it. I get it.
You know? But that one was followed fairly closely. I would've cast some other people for certain roles, but that again, that's just me. I'm not a casting director either. I don't get to make those calls.
I'm not big into all this remake shit. Mhmm. Like okay. Like, you brought this up earlier. Stranger Things Mhmm.
Allowed for that era to come to life, but they did a completely different story. But they, you know, like, they they added in all these amazing eighties, like Mhmm. Gen x shit. Mhmm. And that's why people liked it.
Right? Especially when, like, Sean freaking ass in Goonies, you know, shows up in it. You know? Like, those types of things made it cool, but it wasn't trying to do something that that wasn't already done. Yeah.
I understand, like, the nostalgia stuff. Like, that's really cool, but I don't like when they're just copy and pasting shit because they're just trying to do a cash grab. Like, I don't I'm not into that. Yeah. And with stranger things, they captured I mean, granted, I was only alive for 3 years of the eighties.
So I was in the whole youth. You know? Yeah. Where mine is, like, nineties. Let's go.
You know? But, like, eighties, from what I remember from, like, obviously seeing pictures of me younger, like, as a baby, 3 year old, what have you, 2 year old, they really captured the eighties, though. Like, the whole aesthetic is really there, the arcades, the hair, the clothing. The cars. Because we need Like, everything.
Right? Yeah. Because, well, eighties is very, like, distinctive Well and even tech. Yeah. And even, like, the the social constructs Mhmm.
There were nerds in school. There were jocks in school. You were either in or you were freaking out, and you were bullied, and you were you know, like, it was like, all those eighties movies, those John Hughes movies, so that's how it was in school. Like Mhmm. Yeah.
So I I appreciate it. Mhmm. Yeah. Like, I I can't wait for this next season to come out because, I mean, it's the final season. I don't want it to end, but, obviously, I know everything has to come to an end, especially because these kids are, like, huge.
I mean, Millie Bobby Brown just got married. So and she's trying to play, you know I mean, she still looks really young, so no shade at all towards her because she's super cute, really pretty. But, like, you just got married, but you're still playing like a 14 year old. Yeah. You know?
Yeah. Like, we gotta wrap it up, guys. We gotta wrap it up. And then you have all the boys who hit puberty, and you're like, you look like a grown man now, and you're still supposed to be 14. It's weird.
Man, Steve, though. I love Steve. Know that he's, like, a singer and he has a band. I remember you didn't know that. I didn't know he sang.
hat I've listened to, like, a:Yeah. Yeah. And you're the one who knows all music, and I'm normally the one going, hold on. Wait. What?
No. No. Yeah. I was like, what? Mhmm.
Steve's always been my favorite, though. Yeah. I think he's closer to my age, if I'm being honest. No. I'm just gonna, yeah, I think so.
Let me, I don't remember his real life name, though. Because car oh, Joe Carey. I was like, Kirk. Whatever. Yeah.
Yeah. He's 32. Serious play. He's younger than me, but, again, 37, 32. I'm closer to 40 than I am to 30.
He's closer to 30 than 40. But either way, he's in his thirties. He once you hit over 30, you're basically just over 30 and in a club. Yeah. And, like, we were talking about in the eighties when, like, grown ass men were playing these parts of Yeah.
Kids. Yeah. But, I mean, like, there's a lot of them. Like, even Zendaya for the longest time, She was, you know, 22 years old playing a 15, 16 year old. She she looks really young, but, I mean, hey.
If you can do it, do it. However, from what I've seen a lot of interviews of different actors and actresses, they eventually are like, yeah. I went and did this role to kinda shed the whole playing a child and doing this kind of a thing, and I wanted to, you know, be an adult. Yeah. Because you get kinda typecast if it Mhmm.
I dealt with that too when I was acting because I looked young for so long that they always were doing younger. And it Really? Yeah. It can get weird. Oh, see?
That's the one thing that I've always like okay. So one thing everyone can know about me, I've always wanted my own TV show. I still, to this day, want my own TV show. I used to really when I when I was a kid, they would be like, what do you wanna be when you grow up? And then my immediate answer was a princess.
And then they told me that's not a job, and I'm like, screw you. It is. And then I was like, fine. If I can't be a princess, then I'll be an actress. I did really terrible as a child when my mom would take me to, like, acting things or modeling things because they want you to interact, and they want you to talk.
You have to have a big personality at a very young age and have yeah. It's it's it's difficult. Yeah. Yeah. I did not because, I was a very literal child, and I'm still a very literal adult, unfortunately, where my mom said stranger danger, and I said, okay.
No. Speak to them. So she'd put me in these rooms, obviously, with people I don't know, and they'd be like, hi, and I would just stand there, apparently, blank face, not say anything. It wasn't a great time for me, but now I hold my phone up in front of my face every day and talk to it without a problem. But, again, that's how I got on the one show is because I had to do I'd just send in the thing, and then I also had to do, like, a video interview of myself, and I recorded it maybe 50 times before I finally found 1.
And, you know, the producers was like, she was being really cheesy. And the producer I was working directly with, they were like, yeah. I asked her to be. And they're like, oh, so she can tone it down? She's like, totally.
She was like, so, yeah, I need you to tone down the cheesy. And I was like, alright. Cool. You said be cheesy. I was cheesy.
Mhmm. I was taking direction. Right. So but I have proven I can memorize a script within 30 minutes. I have thrown that out there.
Recall. Yes. Yes. Don't ask me what it said now to this day, couldn't tell you. But that hour gap where it was like, memorize this in 30 minutes, and then we're shooting it, and I'm like, done.
Yeah. Yeah. The biggest the biggest stuff with me is just, like, the multiple auditions. Yeah. See, I don't It's like it's it's just tedious.
Multiple auditions is tedious. Yeah. It sounds Can you just narrow it down now, please? Mhmm. I think the anxiety alone from that would drive me nuts.
Like, that that's a lot of anxiety to wait for that call or wait for, you know, that email or whatever. That's a lot of anxiety, and I have really bad anxiety in general. This, again, this is why I just like, no. I just want my own TV show around me. It can be reality TV.
I am great at that just like I should be the next bachelorette. I'm just saying. No. Because it's it's it's just a lot because it's like you you know, especially when you're doing it full time. Like, it's like Mhmm.
Get ready. Don't look too much this way or too much this way, but also look like you put an effort, but you didn't put an effort. You know? Like, have you ever watched, like, what's that horrible show? The America's Next Top Model?
You know? Yes. I loved that show. I did too. But, anyways, I understand it's toxic.
But, anyways, but similar kind of a thing. It's like they want, you know, like, how can I pull off jeans and a white t shirt and a and a thrown up ponytail with light makeup, and I look like I'm effortless, but I also don't look like a slob? Like, it's, like there's a lot of that stuff that goes into it too. Like, how do I look like I care, but I don't care, and I'm chill, and I'm cool? And, you know, and then you do all that stuff, and then you get into the thing.
And it's like, okay. Go. And you're just you have to flip into character and just, like, it's a lot. Like, it's a lot. That was the hardest part.
And then you do it. They say nothing. And you're like, was that good or no? I don't even know I don't even know if it was good. I don't know.
Did they like it? Did they not like it? You know? Like no. My anxiety couldn't handle that.
It it really couldn't. It like, I have to be able to be me, and if I can't be me, then I it's a no for me. Backing sounds fun. Like, it it's always interested me. I just never actually tried except for, you know, my own personal little skits that I would put on the clock app.
Yeah. Like, it it was both the same. Whether I was doing acting or modeling, both of them were just as, like and it's also kinda it has an air of snootiness to it. Mhmm. There's an air of snootiness to the whole thing, and you're just like either it's kinda like what you're saying about the bar.
Like, either you're in or you're out. Like, either Yeah. You gotta really you gotta stand in line and wait like everybody else, and you're just another Mhmm. You know? Mhmm.
One among many, or you know someone who knows someone, and then you just get fast tracked. And then there's not really a whole lot of in between. Yeah. That's the only other thing that's kinda rough now about going to bars is I don't know anybody because I stopped going out for years. I've lost contacts.
Yeah. And everyone that I did know now obviously doesn't work at said bar anymore. So, the line waiting now, I'm like, oh god. To be 20 again and not have to do this. And it was it was a time, man, but it was also kinda it was a questionable time period.
It was a great time period, but it was questionable also. Because sometimes when you're going with a group of girls, you never know what's gonna happen. It's a crapshoot. Yeah. It's either gonna go real well or someone's gonna end up in the corner crying.
We all pile in in the bathroom. Yeah. That too. That too. And then the coordinating the coordinating of the outfits, whoo, what are you gonna wear?
What are you gonna wear? And at one point, I wasn't addressed. Coordinating with what? Again, I missed this whole thing. Yeah.
Yeah. So, like, where it's kinda like, well, what are you gonna wear? Especially if you own something similar, you didn't wanna wear, like, the same thing somebody else was wearing, so you had to check with them. But at one point, I despise dresses. I did not like dresses.
I didn't like how I looked in dresses. I didn't wanna wear a dress, but all of the girls I always went out with always wore dresses. So the first couple times I went out with them, I'd have on, like, jeans and, like, a pair of, like, boots or something or heels and, like, a cute top. Mhmm. But every time I was out in pictures, I just stuck out because all of these girls are in, like, you know, little black dresses and then just me to change the nines.
Yeah. Uh-huh. And then I was like, oh, shoot. Alright. I guess we gotta do it.
And then after that, I was in dresses with the rest of them, Busted my ass in the parking lot usually afterwards if I left my heels on. I don't know if I've ever, like okay. Maybe this is just me. Mhmm. And maybe other girls feel this way, or I don't know.
I've never dressed up and been like, wow. I look hot. Oh, you can't tell me nothing when I dress up. You can't. Shit.
I'll be honest. Even, like, today, I had on a pair of, black sweatpants with my feral T shirt. You couldn't tell me shit because my hair is curled. I looked cute. I'm like, I don't even care that I look probably ridiculous or slightly homeless right now.
You can't tell me a damn thing. I look cute. No makeup at all just because my hair was curled. The the hair is what what gave you the confidence? The the Yeah.
Because when it like, okay. When my hair is straight and especially once it hits a certain length, I feel like I just look like a hippie, and that bothers me. I don't like it. I like it. I thought I thought you wanted to go more hippie.
I thought you wanted to go more boho. No? Clothing wise, sure. Hair wise, absolutely not. My hair is thick, and it sticks straight.
And so when it sticks straight, it just looks like it's, like, plastered to my face. Oh, I love the hippie look. I can't stand. I clothing, yes. Like, the flowy maxi dresses and, like, the hats and, like, the longer jewelry and multiple rings, yes.
I like that aesthetic. But as far as the hair goes, absolutely not. But I have a very I can't cut my hair too short. Otherwise, I look like Dora the Explorer. And then after it hits a certain length long, I just look like a hippie, and I don't like it.
It just makes me feel very boxy. We gotta we gotta have some flow. There needs to be some flow. I got a fat ass head, so there has to be some shapeage that's other than box. That's just me.
Well, and that's, like, why I have my hair so short because it's just so freaking curly. Like, I showed you those pictures earlier today about when I went out for UFC with a bunch of the US UFC fighters. Right? And I was like Yeah. And you saw how curly my freaking hair is.
Oh, yeah. Love it. But It's so much. Love curly hair. Yeah.
It's so much. Mhmm. So for me, I always wanted the straight stick, like, flowy hair. Yeah. But that just goes the opposite of you always want what you don't have.
I've always wanted curly hair. But in true Amy form, I don't want curly hair. I want beach wave hair. I want just, you know, out of the salon hair every day. I mean, hell yeah.
Don't let me win the lottery. You would know. I would have a stylist. I would have a makeup artist. I would have every like, I would have a glam squad.
You would know there would be signs. Amy, you're going to the grocery store. Why do you look like that? I'll be like, because I can't. Because I can.
It will be the biggest waste of money ever, which is probably why most people who, like, win the lottery end up broke again because they wasted on stupid shit. And now I know why you wanna make the decision. Like, you know how, like, when you talk about, like, the scenario of, like, if you won the lottery, what would you do? You know, whatever. Mhmm.
My, if I won the lottery, is the most boring like, I may as well be an accountant if if I won the lottery because it's just like, well, I would put this in this, interest earning loan, and I would do this. This I wouldn't tell anybody that I had it for a good year plus. You know? I wouldn't buy anything for the 1st year. I would do That is so yeah, man.
What? I mean, smart. Smart. And I'm like, no. I would go to Disney for a month.
I would be on the beach for another month. I would do this. I would open something and just adopt all the flu for babies and give them the best life possible. Like, there would be signs. You would know.
You would not know with me. I would keep it Yeah. 100% secret. And this is why I can't win, and you probably would. The difference is is I play and you don't.
Yeah. Because if you get it, you ins you instantly get a lawyer and an accountant and an investor, and you hand it over to them and say, do do the things you need to do. Mhmm. And then I know it's boring as shit. Everybody else is like, I'd go buy a plane.
You know? And I'm just like No. I'd probably try to buy the clock app. If we're if we're going for a go big or go home moment with the money, shoo. I don't give a shit that you might or may not have sold it to somebody that shall not be named.
You're selling it to me now. I'm the captain now. I ride I drive this boat. Thank you. And he's like, hostile takeover is what my goal is if I win the lottery.
I mean, clearly, it's not frowned upon, so I can do it too. Watch out. I am a Cancer. We are real good at some hostile takeovers, man. Real good.
With Virgo and Gemini, yeah, you're done. You're a spicy combo. Mhmm. You like being a spicy combo, though. Right.
It's real I used to not be spicy, and I enjoy life way more being spicy as opposed to not. And I'm trying to embrace that. The longer we've been friends, I'm trying to You're getting there. It's not it's it's it's baby steps. Baby steps.
That's okay. Like, sometimes I, like, I, like, look at your ruthlessness in awe, and I'm like, oh, one day one day when I'm a grown up, I'll be more like Amy and not give a fuck, and I'll just say what I wanna say and do what I wanna do. There was a certain degree of trauma that occurred that got this level of ruth. But, certain days, I'm not proud of it. I'm try I'm trying to be more of a mallow and be nicer.
That's where I'm rubbing up on you. Yeah. Yeah. My my form of mallow is gonna is is mainly to if there happens to be somebody with nuts I'm interested in. That's that's where the mallow goes.
I'll be nice and sweet to him, but at the same time, the I'm like, I will touch your head off. Don't. But, yeah, they're the yeah. It's easier for me to be more of a mala to a fella I'm interested in. Otherwise, I most of my male friends would be like, nope.
Still a bitch. I'd be like, yep. Your mom's a whore. It's fine. Glad to see we're on the same page.
Right. I know. And I gotta stop being such a freaking pushover. You're getting there, though. You're getting way better.
I don't I don't think you were as much of one as you were when I very first met you. Oh, yeah. It was bad. It was real bad then. It was bad.
I admit it. It was bad. And we're friends enough that I appreciate that you also acknowledge it. It's because your bullshit is my bullshit, and my bullshit is your bullshit is why I feel as though it's okay for me to say that to you. Now at one point, I wouldn't have said that to you because No.
I would have been like because, I mean, ultimately, I don't wanna hurt your feelings at all ever. I really don't. Just like I'm fairly positive you don't ever wanna hurt my feelings. But No. But I would always be real.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes you have to acknowledge the crunchy stuff, which I don't really wanna know. Spicy.
Just the spicy. It's the spicy. Well yeah. Well, see, even if you think about that, think about how many friends you've had that wouldn't actually keep it real with you. Oh, all of them.
All of them. Yeah. Because guess what? All of the all of the ones from the past, no longer friends. No.
Because they just would stuff and stuff and stuff, and then it would be a big blow up. And I'm like, I don't even know who you are anymore. You know? And it's like yeah. Much rather be upfront.
You know, even like we talked about the very beginning of the episode, you know, like, have an adult conversation because you can't cry foul if you did not do your part to Yeah. Address situations that needed an actual conversation and not a freaking text or a, you know, like, throw it on them to figure it out or whatever it is. Same, you know, same deal with real with, like, love relationships than it is with friend relationships, even familial relationships, all of those things. You're not gonna get anywhere if you're not being real. Yeah.
I mean, the keyword in all there is relationships. It doesn't matter the type. A relationship is a I mean, it does matter the type depending on what you're trying to do or want to do your intention. However, it's it's still it's still something that requires a good form of communication. Yeah.
At the end of the day, you're not gonna have a solid relationship with anybody if you can't communicate. No. And I can say that as somebody who struggles to communicate because I will shut down. Flaw. Working on it.
But, like, especially if you yell at me, I shut down instantly. Don't talk to me. I'm not gonna talk to you. I don't hear a word you're saying you're yelling at me. Don't do it.
But, like, you you have to be able to communicate, and then you also have to know you're not always gonna hear what you wanna hear. You know? The other person's not gonna tell you word for word the scenario you might have came up with in your head of how the conversation's gonna go. Well and that's something about growing up too because, like you said you should understand that this person actually is your friend because they are telling you stuff that you don't wanna hear, but you need to hear. Right?
Yeah. Yeah. Because, I mean, think about it. How how many times does somebody have a conversation with you and it's always the whole thing is filled with things you want to hear? Yeah.
It's just being surrounded by yes men. Yeah. And that literally gives you girls are hype Mhmm. Which also, you know, to this day, my absolute favorite. Like, yes, you you need to be real with people, but, also, my friendship goals is still that that clock app video of the guy playing the guitar and his buddy in the background being, like, what?
What? In the background while he's doing it is like, boop. Yep. Yeah. I'm like, that's a true friend right there.
Mhmm. Mhmm. I mean, it comes down to that, the, quantity over quali or quality over quantity cheese and crackers. Yeah. Set it backwards.
Been doing that all day today. Strike that. Reverse it. Exactly. You you want the quality.
Like, you want real. You want as opposed to quantity. When you're younger, you just try to surround yourself with as many people as humanly possible. Yeah. You don't care.
And then the older you get, you're like, no. I'll take these, like, 2 to 3 really good friends. 2 is max. Oh, see, I I got I have, I'll say I have, like, 3. That Like, I have a solid 3 people that I could call if, you know, some serious shit went down.
That's true. But I'm also a loner. So Yeah. I mean, for the most part, same. But, like, respectfully, you can't I mean, you can call me, but what am I really gonna do?
We live in 2 different states. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? So it's kinda like I can call you, invent, and, you know, potentially question how to create the ultimate demise of somebody. And then I got a couple people here that I could be like, yo, I need you come pull up type of a thing.
I can't be like, yo, Lou, Pull up real fast. Okay. It's gonna be like a 3 hour flight, and, just tell everybody put it on pause. Thanks. Hold, please.
Right. I'll be there in a few. Let me see if I can find a flight. Well, Amy, sorry. I don't have, you know, that money lying around.
I'd be like, I don't blame you. I don't either, so it's fine. But, yeah, like, yeah, you gotta have at least a solid so at least solid 2. 2 to 3. Yeah.
I think after 3 is pushing it. After 3, it's just like, do you really need it? And Yeah. It's a lot of And, also, like, just even think about, like, how much talking you have to do to keep people updated on just your day to day life and what you got the the minutiae of what you've got going on so that they have the context so that when you do call them, they they at least have an idea of who you're talking about, what you're talking about. Right.
And so lucky for me, people what are you doing? Working. 2 hours later. What are you doing now? Working.
10:30 at night. You finally relaxing? Yep. Just walked in the door. What's up?
About to have my sleepy juice. Right. About to go night night. Do you literally just work all day? Yeah.
Why? Like, to where you I could be like, so I read this, this, and this on the book of faces. I scrolled through the, clock app for 2 and a half hours, doom scrolling my life away, either laughing or becoming irate. It really just depends on the day. Where other people what'd you do?
Work. That's it? Yeah. Well, not even like, we don't even have to sometimes we just spend the entire day just sending memes back and forth. Memes?
Yep. That is true. We do. We do. Carry on an entire conversation of just social media posts.
Right. Well, I mean, let's be honest. So ever since she told me about the damn girl's head being held under the water and a shark and book talk, It's almost like my own personal mission to find videos of situations that are similar to that. Yeah. I can't remember.
Pop up. I can't remember what the name of that horrible book was. Let me hold, please. Just that's probably, thus far, the most questionable book It questionable book I think you've read. It is not great.
So That's for all those that don't know, I'm a book tag person. She's a reader. I read smudty realt mails on my own. She likes to read, where I just, you know, watch a lot of reality TV. Where the hell is it?
It's so far back. I need to stop reading so much. It's day 2 of February now, technically Yeah. For me at least. Lou's already read 10 books, and I'm totally just kidding, but sometimes that's how it feels.
Not technically. Okay. She's read, like, 3a half. Does It Hurt by h d Carlton is the book. Okay.
Even the title Does It Hurt by HD Carlton. It's a dark romance. The title alone says it's gonna be dark. Does it hurt? Yes, bitch.
Stop it. Okay. So for those who don't know, so Does It Hurt is a smutty, dark romance. Right? Thriller kind of.
Whatever. Mhmm. This do so this girl kind of, like, steals from the sky after a 1 night stand, like, takes his identity. And and, like so, anyways, they end up in he sees her on the beach. And then he decides to get her on a boat out in the middle of nowhere off the coast of Hawaii, Australia or New Zealand, something like that.
Terrible idea. And to exact his revenge but he's also sexually attracted because they, you know, they have the one eye stand thing. Right? You know? So Mhmm.
But to exact his revenge, he is a marine biologist. So he takes her to his the place where sharks are. Danger, Will Robinson. Danger. In the middle of nowhere.
He bites her lip so that she starts bleeding while they're making out Mm-mm. And then shoves her head first into the water because he's also big into asphyxiation while fucking. And then, a shark comes up and almost bites her head off, and he's like, revenge exact it. And this is supposed to be sexy? That just has, like, baby serial killer on it for me.
I'm not gonna lie. Like, that just there there's no part of that that's like, yes, please. Sign me up. No. Absolutely not.
That went over a certain line I have for Mhmm. Things that I can be like, that pushes that taboo boundary. That just went into, like, what? Yeah. No.
That's not even sexy in the least. While he's railing her from behind. So her head's underwater, and he's doing her from behind while she's bleeding from the mouth with in shark infested waters. And that's supposed to be sexy? I just wanna know who was twisted enough to come up with that because that's a lot.
It's the same person a lot. It's the same person who did the haunting Adeline series. And the haunting Adeline series is the one that everybody knows famously for the pew pew and the hoo So it's the same author. That's a lot. Yeah.
It's the same author. Well, that's a no for me. It's a it's a no for me, big dog. Well, thank you. So that's what Amy is talking about.
It's for some context. Yeah. But, yeah, it's it's personal mission to now find videos to send to you that resemble that just because I find the videos hilarious and also questionable. Now there's no way, shape, or form that I am actually sending her new videos where somebody's getting railed and that's happening. No.
It's just giant fish or sharks starting to attack people. It's really all it is. Sometimes there's commentary with it, which makes it even better. Other times, it's just the video. Yeah.
Amy's not sending me porn. No. No. Absolutely not. That's that's crossing a boundary.
It's weird. It's one thing to, you know, read smut books together. Entirely different to send somebody porn. That's a boundary. Yeah.
So, again, that's a no for me, big dog. No. It's like hearing if if someone gets a, sext from someone and you're like, let me show you the picture that came with this. Right. There's certain things you don't do.
Now, again, 20 year old Amy was a little cray. Right? We used to play this game. The game was called you got dicked. Who came up with the game?
Unfortunately, probably me. If I'm gonna be honest, I don't remember because, again, twenties were a little bit blurry. There was, again, a lot of alcohol involved at that time period of my life. But, younger guys, as in 20 year old guys, same age as myself, so it's not you know, everybody was legal, like to send inappropriate pictures that you didn't ask for. So my friends and I played this game called you got dicked, and, normally, we'd end it with bitch at the end of it, where we would take the inappropriate pictures that we Did not ask.
Want. Right. Didn't want, didn't ask, didn't wanna know, none of the above, and we would send it to each other. The only difference was was I had a lot of male friends at this time too. I told them what we did with the pictures, and they were like, no.
You don't. And I was like, watch me. And so I looked without a request for sending, that's on you. Yeah. You gotta take responsibility for that.
You don't send those things if you're not expecting them to be like, hey, girls. Look what I just got. Yeah. Because it's a jump scare. It is.
Like, you didn't ask for that. That was unwarranted, unwanted. Why are you violating my eyesight with this? And it was to the point where I would tell, like, my male friends, like, hey. Look.
You wanna send an inappropriate picture to a girl? Don't send your fucking junk. Here's what girls like. Send them your chest if you have one. Let's just start there.
Alright. That's fine. If you got the boobs, please don't. But, you know, the v, your abs, pecs, arms, send that. The veins popping out of your arms when you flex, as long as it's not gross creepy level, like, where it looks like you're on roids, sure.
Leave the dick pics to ones who are asking for them. Don't volunteer those. Especially with your face in it, it's even worse. Post workout pics, Like Yeah. Those do way more.
I don't understand why why guys think that that like okay. Why? Yeah. Like, I'm I'm a fan of the peen. Right?
Like Yeah. To quote, was it friends with benefits with Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake? I am strictly dickly. Right? But there is nothing attractive or pretty about the pain.
There's there's it's it's not If you're not, like It's If you guys are both in the zone and you're doing something that is gonna have a ending of some sort, Mhmm. That's the only time it's appropriate. At least that's my personal opinion. Yeah. Like but, like, it's just again, like, it's it's not it's not the most attractive thing to look at on a guy's body to me.
Again, the the v, the abs, the pecs, the arms. Yeah. Those are nice. Those are really nice. Eyes, lips.
Yeah. They're so they're above the belt, man. Above the belt. Above the belt. Just stick to there.
Stick to that because below, things get questionable. You know, you just start having questions. Like And we also know you guys know how to work camera angles. We know we know that it's like you may as well Photoshop at that point. Right.
Right. Now I did have this one friend who shall remain nameless, also because her and I are no longer friends. She did get a picture once from a gentleman, and her response was why does it bend like that? Exsqueeze me? Yeah.
Unfortunately, she dicked me with the picture, and I essentially had the same question. If you if you're doing it and you're tilting your head to look sideways and be like, excuse me. What? Like, what kind of accident? Is that normal?
What happened? Who hurt you? Like, there were so many questions. And I asked a lot of questions. People who know me know I ask a lot of questions, and I had to tell her, please don't ever have me in that man's presence because I will ask the questions, then he'll go, how do you know?
And I'll be like, because you sent her a picture she didn't want, so then she shared it with everyone she knew. Well and that's just it. That just defeats the purpose. They just went from sexy brain to analytical brain of, like, wait a second. Like, you may as well have have went to the hospital and had a nurse or a doctor take a look.
Because now at this point, they're going, they're not in a sexy mode anymore. And if that was your goal No. No, you didn't reach it, now now now someone, like you said, has questions. Mhmm. Yeah.
And the whole the whole moment you were trying to create is now gone because now I just wanna know what happened. Like, again, who hurt you? Like, you fall and break it, or did somebody fall on you and break it? Like because that's a very real thing, and only you can break them. You have the the machismo to send that out.
Like Yeah. Like, you're proud of it. That's some that's some real self esteem right there. Yeah. Where does that come from?
Like Look, man. From being on dating sites, this is not gonna paint me in the best light, but it's authentic, and it's who I am. There are certain trolls that have messaged me, and I'm like, who told you to have enough gumption to message me? Like, have you seen you? And I understand everyone has a type.
There's a person out there for everybody. But, sir, please don't ever message me again because then, like, you start actually questioning if you're, like, cute or not. And you start wondering, like, damn, am I really old now? Did I ate did I not age well? Like, how old do I look?
What the fuck happened? Well, isn't there like that saying too? I can't remember what it is. Like like, the most overconfident people are the ones who have the least common sense or whatever. Like like, common I don't know, but I like that.
That's brilliant. Like, it's like the people like, what is it? I can't remember. There's a whole saying about it, but it's something like confident people don't necessarily mean competent people or something like that. Like Yeah.
I could agree with that. I could I could agree with that. Like, I I talked to my sister about this. Right? Like, my sister is fucking adorable.
Yeah. Like, she's she's adorable. Yeah. She sounds fine. And yeah.
In her words, she's a bad bitch. Yeah. I'm not gonna call her that, but I'll call her adorable, because she's my little sister, so she's always just gonna be in that adorable thing. But she even told me how when she was on a dating app at one point that she had she started to question like, damn. Am I really a bad bitch?
Because you really thought you could talk to me? Which I get it. Confidence is key, but there has to be physical attraction. I don't care who you are. You have to be physically attracted to somebody.
And on dating apps, let's be honest, it's all purely physical because you don't know them. Yeah. You're reading a little blurb. Yeah. It's a video first.
Yeah. Yay. Because all you're doing is reading a little blurb that somebody put in that may or may not even be true to begin with. Oh, yeah. People lie.
Right. It's all based on appearance. So for all of the people out there that are like, I'm on dating abstinence, not about appearance. You're lying. It is.
Then why are you wiping so fast without even looking at anything else? Right. Right. Like, if it's not, then you should be reading all of the blurbs. Do we have anything in common?
Do they like coffee? Do they, you know, do they have like, all of these things. No. Me, do I find you attractive? Yes or no?
And then if I do, then I'll read the blurbs. If not, no. I'm gonna swipe and say no. Thank you. Well and people like to act like they're above attraction.
Yeah. No. Yeah. Now does that mean that you can like like, this can happen. Right?
Like, you you're hanging out with someone, like, either at work or in a friend's group or something like that, and the more you get to know them, the more attractive they get? That can happen. You know? Where at first, you're like, I didn't really pay attention to them. Like, yeah, they're fine, but I didn't, you know, see them that way.
But the more that their personality comes out, you're like, you're freaking hot because, like, I dig this. Right? Yeah. But but to make out, like, you're a bad person because you go off of it's just it's just is what it is. Either you find someone attractive or you don't.
Yeah. And there's no gonna be huge fixing it. You know? No. Mm-mm.
And there was a really big debate, about this, actually. I don't remember who it was debating. I had my own, you know, personal 2ยข, which I'll share now. But, like, you can be as attractive as you wanna be. Like, you can be the most attractive person out there.
But if your personality sucks, you automatically become unattractive. Yeah. Like but apparently because I think it was a guy and a girl having this debate. And the guy was like, if you're hot, you're hot. And she's like, no.
If you're hot and you don't have a personality, you're no longer hot. And he's like, but you're still hot, and it was a whole big debate I was listening to. But to me, if you have the personality of a broken dustpan, you're useless. What am I what is there to do? I can just sit here and look at you that's only gonna last so long.
Yeah. Like, I can't have a conversation with you. I can't laugh with you. You know? There's no silliness.
There's no nothing. You're just, look at me. I'm yeah. So, again, kinda goes with what you're saying. A personality, a good one at that, can make you more attractive.
So if you're like a solid five with your super funny, charismatic, caring, kind, you know, empathetic, all of these things, you can automatically be bumped up to a 9 Yeah. To somebody because your personality raised what, you know, you you're not it's not even so much a lack, but what that individual didn't view as attractive originally, visibly wise. Mhmm. So, like, you gotta have a personality, man. Laughter gets you a lot for the I think that's the most mind boggling thing for guys, though.
Yeah. I don't think that's the end. A really hot girl with a goofy looking guy. Yeah. And they're like, I don't get it.
And we're like, we do because he's fucking funny. Yeah. And he, you know, he cares. You you know? That's why.
It's not hard to figure out. Mm-mm. Mm-mm. That's the same. It can go both ways.
Mhmm. There's a lot of times when people are like, why is that guy I mean, like, especially, like think of, like, big name celebrities or something, and everybody just trolls on the the girl that they're with because they're just a normal, quote, unquote, person. And it's like it so it can go both it can go both ways. It doesn't even have to be Oh, yeah. No.
No. For the most part, everything does go both ways. Like, it all it's all fluid. Yeah. Like And there's no one hard definite each way.
Mm-mm. And get either direction or either way, it can be like, yeah, they're hot enough to to screw them. Mhmm. Mhmm. And then I'm done.
Or Yeah. Not. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think once everyone admits, like, yeah, their needs be like, they care more about the physical attraction.
Even if it's at first, like, you could lose, you know, you could lose that. Oh, there's been people I've been attracted to off the get go, and it just slowly goes down. No. No. No.
I'm like, not that not as hot anymore. You lost your luster. Right. Like, have you ever looked at one of your exes and someone like, damn. You're still fine.
No. Normally, after, like, you break up something, you're like, damn. What was that date? Why'd I do that? I liked you.
Like, I really actually I was in wow. My judgment was real questionable. But, again, both ways because they could look at you and say the exact same thing. Mhmm. So I think that's the other part.
Like, everything can go both ways. It's never usually just a one way street Mm-mm. With the majority of things. Well, and it's the same reason why after you break up with someone, you wanna look real hot. So then the next time you run into them.
Yeah. I'm normally not one of those people. I'm normally not. I remember one ex that I've ran into. I was in sweatpants and a hoodie with no makeup, and, my hair was, I think, pulled up.
And I just remember I tossed him the head nod, but he went, like, completely white like he saw a ghost. And then I cackled because that that point that moment in time, I knew I won. So because then there's also me that I was like, I still look good, bitch. Yeah. Your loss.
You know, like but but I have that I have that personality type now. I didn't at one point. I would've younger me would've left crying. Yeah. Like, I saw me looking like trash.
I oh, no. He's you know? And and I'm like, even in sweatpants and a hoodie, bitch, I still look good. Fuck you. This is someone who's lived.
Right? You completely crunched up and broke my feelings, sir. This is the aftermath of what you did. I don't know about you, but it always seems like after every breakup, like, you go through that stage of where you're just, like, a hot mess feeling. And then you hit that stride of, like, oh, those 3 weeks of depression, I look I'm looking good in these jeans today.
Oh. Right? I'm gonna put some makeup on today. Oh, I'm gonna do these things, and then all of a sudden you think you're hot shit. Mhmm.
Mhmm. Yeah. Yeah. Once it hits you and once you once you hit the fuck it and you no longer care Yeah. That's when it's, like, solidified like, oh, yeah.
I am cute as fuck. What what was I doing over here crying over you? Yeah. It's like all this sudden your confidence is like, well, that was fun. We ate 3 tubs of ice cream, and Right.
We got all red and puffy. And and Yeah. Ben and Jerry set the spot every night for my girl dinner. Uh-huh. And then all of a sudden, you're like, okay.
I'm done now. Mhmm. You're like, oh, that was what grieving was. Okay. Now we're back.
Mhmm. Because, I mean, like, I mean yeah. Every you end up grieving all that stuff anyways. Because, like, you break up with someone, you're hurt, you're in denial about it, you end up angry, and then eventually, you're like, oh, they sucked anyways. Yeah.
It it's a process. Mhmm. And I say that as somebody who, for the most part of people that they've dated, they're still friends with after. I'm not. I have one where no.
But everybody else Oh, it's like, oh, dodged a bullet. Never wanna speak to you again. Yeah. Nope. I just have the one where that was the case.
Everyone else, I'm still I'm still cool with. Can make for awkward situations, but then there's me like, it's kinda funny. But I tend to thrive when shit gets weird. So Chaos. I love the chaos.
Mhmm. Mhmm. I I might be a chaos gremlin. I might be, which again is why I just need my own reality TV show. So, again, ABC, The Bachelorette would be the most unhinged season in bachelor history.
They were plugging themselves. Yeah. Clock app. I have a video plugging myself, telling them to call me. I've only been saying this for years, and unfortunately, I have, I have a large group of people that know me that would be like, that actually would be the most entertaining season because the level of unhinged things that come out of your mouth daily But it's not like national television.
Like, every other word would be bleeped out. I don't cuss that much. Okay. I do. You're probably right.
But I would I would change it. It'd be a lot of cheese and crackers, a lot of holy potatoes. Pineapples. Pineapples pineapples would be a big one, or son of a nutcracker. That would that would get in there too.
I mean, I've been on again, I've I've been on ABC once. We can make it happen again. Sometimes I like, especially if I'm super nervous, I'll slip in, and I'm like, oh, no. Oh, no. Like, even during this whole episode, there's been, like I'll be, like, freaking but I sound like a sailor.
You know I do. Yeah. Like like is I've been I've been I've been still your turn be PG. Yeah. I've I'm so far removed from, you know, corporate America or even just casual business.
Nope. It's it's it's pretty bad. It's pretty bad. Yeah. Yeah.
I I just don't I just don't give enough of a fuck anymore. I don't. I really don't. And I've I've read too many things now where it's like, those who use profanity are actually more intelligent to where I'm like, fuck. Yeah.
We are. I'm brilliant then. Yeah. I would say you are. I would agree with that.
That was a true statement. Thank you. What'd you think of episode 1? I think it was great. I think we did a fantastic job, but I think everything we do is awesome, so I'm kinda biased.
It's pretty much just one of our phone conversations. It really is a shit. It's even better because they'll be like, these bitches talk about this shit. Yes. Regularly.
Yes. We do. Just tonight, wrestling was the new addition. You're welcome. Like, I don't even know if I can do a description of this.
This is it's just meandering one thought to the next. Yeah. It's just chitchat with a hint of ADD. I don't know. Well, this is what so what happened was is all about this is what you're gonna get from now on.
This is this is this is what we do. So you can either like it, or you can go fuck off. Is it but this is what we do. I like that you can like it or you can go fuck off. You can like it or you're gonna love it and be like, god.
So I'm not weird. My friends and I, when we get on the phone, we're not weird because this is what we do too. Oh, yeah. We didn't even talk about some of the, like, more explicit things that we talk about. I know.
We kept it pretty pretty on the level. I'm pretty proud of us. But, I mean, they you gotta get them warmed up to it. You can't really just Yeah. I don't know if they're gonna be cool with, you know, when we start talking about, you know Super spicy.
Super good. Spicy. It's spicy. It's so spicy. I mean but you're living in a dream if I mean, maybe not.
I don't know everyone's walk of life. But at this point, to me, you're living in a dream if you think females don't talk about some pretty off the chain crazy ass shit. Like, you have a very narrow view of what women actually talk about. I I know there's some people out there that probably think we just sit on the phone and exchange recipes for, like, 3 hours and absolutely the fuck not, bitch. Talk about hair and nails or something.
Right. No. Instead, we'll be like, so this guy had a baby leg for a dick. So, no, it's it's quite the opposite. I mean, sometimes we'll talk about, oh, so I got my nails done today.
Do you like the color? And that's the extent. You know? Yeah. But for the most part, we talk about the exact same stuff everybody else does.
We just decided to put it in a podcast. Right. To share it with everyone else. Like, you are normal. This is normal conversation.
Don't feel weird or ashamed or shunned by anyone Mhmm. If this is what you talk about. Yeah. Or think about Also, if you can't talk about, you know, what happened, then Mhmm. Are they really your friends?
Right. And just know every epic story starts with see what had happened was. Okay. I got we gotta talk about this. So this thing happened right now.
Yeah. You know it's gonna be a good story, though. Oh, it always is. And it's gonna take way longer than it needs to to get full context, but that's what we're here for. Like, I won't give you an hour long backstory just to get to the point because, you know, what else are we doing?
Right. It's like, you know, it's books. Instead of reading them, you're listening to them. So you you gotta you gotta build it up. You gotta know the plot.
You gotta know the players. You gotta know all of the things. Otherwise, it's a very ineffective story. Like, if I just started talking and was like, so today I, you know, went to the mall. Doesn't sound exciting, but if I'm like, see what had happened was I went to the mall and I had to yell at this bitch for cutting.
Like, you're like, wait. What? Why did you hold on. Hold, please. Rewind.
Start from the beginning. Mhmm. You know? Exactly. Yeah.
So we're gonna just start from the beginning from all of our stories. Right. And just know it always starts with see what had happened was. Alright. I think we're done.
We'll talk to you later. We out. Well, for the next episode, we're just gonna talk some more. Just chitchat with some ADD, Nixon. Bye.
Okay. Bye. Bye.